Balance + Restore Yoni Pops

Regular price $21.99
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Our handcrafted yoni pops help to keep your most sensitive area balanced and restored after each use. Created with natural ingredients to decrease odor, balance the vaginas natural ph, and assist with yeast infections. Our pops treat bacterial vaginosis caused from gut imbalance, helps to relieve outbreak symptoms from STI’s, rids bad bacteria and toxins from the vagina, while also assisting in post period secretions. Enhances your sexual experience and increases wetness when used 2-4 hours prior to sex, ensuring a more pleasurable experience. 

How To: 

(Daily Maintenance) Wash hands, insert one capsule into vagina cavity, dissolves within 2-4 hours. 1 Capsule 1-2 times a week for daily vagina maintenance. 

(Yeast Infection/Bv Relief) Wash hands, insert 2 capsules into vagina cavity, dissolves within 2-4 hours. 2 capsules for up to 14 days for relief. 

*Effects last for up to 30 days, 17 Vegan Capsules with Bamboo Root, 600mg Boric Acid. 


Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Lindsay Meador
Yoni pops

They're good to have for after your menstrual cycle & after intercourse.

Will Your Products Help With Hair Loss?

Yes, our products specialize with decreasing and preventing hair loss. 

Will Your Products Work For My Hair Type?

Yes, our products are made for all hair types, from straight hair to tightly coiled hair. 

How Do I Implement The Hair Care Oils?

Can be done overnight as a treatment and or right before you wash and cleanse your hair.

Can I Use The Products Interchangeably?

Yes, our products can be mixed and matched to your liking.